Have you prepped for the coming winter storms in Texas? Homeowners in Texas must be aware of the highest degree of cold and power outage conditions in Texas during winter. Before this cold spell hits the city, we need to be prepped and create a “survival kit” for these winter storms. Make sure your air and heating system in TEXAS storm is winterized properly!

Regardless of where they live, the dangers of winter weather all across the country are not the same. These winter storm conditions vary from a moderate level of snowfalls to blizzards and blinding snow storming conditions that cause chaos in parts of Texas. This type of weather ability knocks down the electrical power, heat, and other communications services across the country.

Texas Winters Bring Dangerously Low Temperatures

This dangerously low temperature is often co-occurred by strong winds, snow, ice, sleet falls, and freezing rain. In this heavy snowfall and freezing weather conditions, most of us experience inconvenience while commuting to offices or outdoors.

Before any such kind of havoc is experienced by homeowners, they need to be well-prepared in advance for their first winter storm of this season. It is important to protect your family, whether it is a heavy snowfall or a major storm, and you need to plan your pre-storm preparation to keep your home safe.

Start planning AHEAD for the coming freezing and the storming nights when the power is out.

Pre-Storm Preparations - Homeowners’ Survival Kit For Winter Storm

Keep your family safe by planning for the winter storm, reviewing and updating the homeowner’s emergency kit, well-updated pantry, and working NOAA weather radio. Make sure you have emergency kit supplies on hand for at least three days of water and food without cooking or heating.

Get ready by stocking plenty of water, a first aid kit, flashlights & extra batteries, personal care items, important files and documents, sanitation or toiletry, snow removal supplies, winter heating generator, corded telephone, updated communication devices, etc. plenty of water, a first aid kit, flashlights & extra batteries, extra stock of personal medicines, extra prescription drugs, personal care items, important files and documents, sanitation or toiletry, snow removal supplies, winter heating generator, corded telephone, updated communication devices, etc.

Winter Storms In Texas: Preparation Inside The House

Winter storms want homeowners to prepare properly, which means checking on your heating system and helping you save from a load of energy bills. The winter weather also brings a higher energy load to keep your house warm and safe.

Throughout the entire winter season, a valuable winter heating system that cuts on winter costs is of utmost importance for your household's comfort.

HVAC system and installation services in Texas

Homeowner’s winter checklist to save money on energy bills prepare your home well in advance:

#Efforts to prevent heat loss:

Weatherstrip around your front door is a good way to prevent heat loss. Use a seal to attach it to the bottom of your front door, making sure you fill the gaps. Make sure to fill the cracks in windows and doors to block the cold air.

#Update Your Thermostat:

Consider buying a smart thermostat or Wi-Fi system to set the perfect temperature throughout winter. Update your current settings from anywhere, read its manufacturer’s manual, and install it where it is easily accessible.

#Home Heat Must Not be Lower Than 65 degrees:

The minimum temperature inside the house must be kept at 65 degrees. If it’s lower than this, the inside walls where the pipes are fitted will be colder than the walls themselves. The house will be freezing even when the heating system is working.

#Open Hot and Cold Faucets:

When the air inside the house is severely frigid, let the hot water move through the pipes. Open the hot faucets and turn them into a slight drip to prevent things from getting freeze-up inside the pipes.

#Examine Electric Appliances:

Watch your home appliances such as fireplaces, wood stoves, and heaters all closely. Get them repaired if not working properly. Keep your fireplace well-fueled up and close it if not in use.

Check the location of the water shut-off, learn how-it-works, and prepare to use it in case the pipe bursts.

#Good Thermal Attic Insulation:

Poor insulation causes fluctuation in room temperatures, increasing energy bills, and freezing of interior walls. Due to this, a home can lose up to 25% of its hot air, insulating the heat ducts and having at least 6 inches of thermal attic insulated is of utmost importance.

#Maximize Furnace Efficiency:

To save winter costs and improve the furnace efficiency, contact the manufacturer for regular maintenance, by scheduling an annual check-up, proper clean-up, and adjustments.

#Get Natural Sunshine Heat:

Buy good quality fabric curtains or blinds that can block the heat from the window glass. Let the sun heat do its work, open them during the day, and lock them at night.

#Keep Garage Doors Closed:

To keep the house warmer, keep the garage door closed as quickly as possible, and earn extra savings in the winter. One can seal the garage door effectively, this will reduce heat loss to a minimum.

#Clear Out Gutters:

If the gutters are clogged with snow, most likely the chances of creating a dangerous ice dam. Clean your gutters regularly to remove old dead leaves. Protect your property from an ICE DAM!

#Away From Home - Ask Neighbour To Help:

In case you are not home for long, then let your neighbor check your house regularly. Let them check if the water is leaking, or pipes are freezing. In case of danger, the neighbor can take quick action.

If planning for long holidays, call a professional to drain the excess water. Let them check the water system, swimming pool, and plumbing system and prevent the pipes from bursting or freezing rain.

Winter Storm In Texas: Preparation Outside The House

The heavy winter snowstorm can damage the roof of the house or block the gutters. To stay safe from these potential hazards outside the house, you need to prep up way in advance.

# Maintain Your Property Exteriors:

Examine around the house if something needs to be repaired. Repair the roof leaks if any, clean your rain gutters, and cut any dead or damaged tree branches that can damage your house in a storm.

#Clean Ice And Improve Safety:

Safely get rid of icicles and ice dams around the house. Remove the snow and ice from your home's sidewalks and entrances so that all family members and pets can walk safely without falling or slipping.

Watch out for ice dams near gutters, and clear the gutters of leaves, & debris. Let the melting snow and ice flow smoothly through the gutters. Avoid the ICE DAM!

#Snow Removal Equipment:

Buy snow removal equipment from the nearby hardware store. Look for snow shovels, sand, and rock salt to melt the ice and clear the driveways and walkways safely.

#Restocking Alternative Heat Sources:

Stack up the regular fuel sources if there is a power cut. For winter heating devices, compile wood, coal, or other resources for energy.

#Tips For Moving Outside The House:

Prepare your car before a winter storm, fuel it with a full tank of gas, and keep up-to-date with regular maintenance. Always equip your car with a separate emergency kit similar to a home kit. Always keep extra warm clothing, blankets, a snow shovel, and other necessary equipment in removing snow. Prepare your car for extremely low-weather temperatures.

While driving on the roads, be careful of slippery roads, drive slowly, read caution, and learn to drive in snow or winter storm weather conditions!

In case you don’t have a vehicle, double-check the schedule of the train or bus, and make sure you don’t stay outside in a winter storm for too long.

To Sum Up:

When snow or freezing rain falls, restore your home from the effects of severe weather conditions by making sure your HVAC heating system is working. Remember! To learn from mistakes during storms, take notes, and be prepped up next winter!

If something unfortunate happens, taking quick action will minimize the damage. Take every step to protect your family, and property and keep your home safe!

Feel free to ask us about HVAC installation and ac services to keep your home safe and comfortable from the winter storm if you are in TEXAS! If you live in Azle, feel free to ask professionals regarding HVAC Services and Installations for keeping your home safe and comfortable!