Now that the hot weather has hit, the summer heat is here, and it can be unbearable if you are not prepared! Homeowners need to learn to stay cool and safe. During this heatwave, it’s extremely hot and humid, and without properly working air conditioning, it’s quite miserable.

Most of us can get sick as the body temperature gets very high and sweat doesn’t evaporate that quickly. Homeowners need to take the necessary actions to get hydrated and take measures so that their body temperature cools off. In short, homeowners must ensure that their HVAC systems are working properly this summer. The Texas heat is not to be ignored.

Your HVAC System Should Be Ready For The Texas Hot Weather

Make sure that the HVAC system is working, keeps your home cool and comfortable, and evacuates the sweltering heat. To guarantee a pleasant and refreshing indoor environment amidst the scorching and humid summer in Texas, homeowners need to take preemptive steps by inspecting their HVAC systems to avert any potential AC issues.

Learn practical methods to reduce the strain on your central air conditioning system when temperatures rise by following this valuable guide, which provides homeowners with useful tips and advice.

By following these recommendations, homeowners can ensure that their air conditioner is ready to cool their homes throughout the summer:

#1 CARE FOR AC: Regular Yearly Maintenance

Taking care of your HVAC system is the easiest way to ensure that it is ready for any weather throughout the year. To keep the HVAC system running efficiently year-round, it’s recommended to change air filters every 30–60 days.

It’s important that all outdoor components of the system, such as condenser coils, compressors, and fans, be cleaned. For this reason, you must hire professional cleaning services for indoor units, outdoor components, vents, and ductwork.

Check if the system always runs smoothly by scheduling annual maintenance checks with Poe Air HVAC Services. Ensure your AC runs smoothly all year round with the help of an experienced technician who will inspect the system, clean its components, check refrigerant levels, and identify any potential issues that may compromise its performance.

#2 AC Maintenance: Prioritize Air Filter Care

Think of air filters as the lungs of your air conditioner. If they're dirty or compromised, your cooling system has to work harder, which can result in dirty coils and reduced air quality. This can impact not only the efficiency of your system but also your family's health. Always use the appropriate filters for your specific system and ensure they're replaced promptly. HEPA filters can be an excellent upgrade, as they're eco-friendly and more efficient than their fiberglass counterparts.

#3 AC Maintenance: Give Your System a Break

When you're not at home or not using your house, it's advisable to set your thermostat at a slightly higher temperature. This simple act can help save on energy bills. To achieve cost savings over time, it's recommended that you set the temperature to approximately 78 degrees Fahrenheit while at home. This will ensure both comfort and energy efficiency.

#4 AC Maintenance: Seal Gaps and Cracks

Prevent the unnecessary loss of cool air by sealing gaps in your windows, door frames, and attic. If left untreated, these gaps can force your HVAC system to work harder to compensate for the escaping air. Insulation and caulking are effective means of sealing these openings and maintaining a cool, comfortable home.

#5 AC Maintenance: Consider Tinted Windows

Investing in window tints can reduce the heat absorbed by your windows, thus lessening the burden on your air conditioner. They help keep the sun's rays from excessively warming up your home, allowing you to slightly raise your thermostat's temperature.

#6 AC Maintenance: Keep Windows and Doors Shut

The simplest and often overlooked tip is to minimize the frequency of opening doors or windows while your AC is running. Each time a door or window is opened, cool air escapes, and your AC has to work harder to compensate. Also, try to avoid using heat-generating appliances like ovens and stoves, as they can counteract your AC's cooling efforts.

#7 AC Maintenance: Regularly Clean Vents

Vent cleanliness is as crucial as air filter maintenance. Regular cleaning ensures no blockages in your home’s airways, thus enhancing the cooling process. Furthermore, closing the door to a room with open vents can speed up cooling.

#8 AC Maintenance: Utilize Ceiling Fans

Your ceiling fans are a great way to maintain a cool home without significantly lowering your thermostat. Keeping your fan rotating clockwise pushes air downward, countering the natural rise of heat. This creates a more evenly distributed and comfortable environment. Remember, fans are your summer allies!

#9 AC Maintenance: Outdoor Unit Care

Ensure clear, unobstructed airflow by maintaining a clean and clear outdoor unit area. Keep plants, weeds, and debris at bay to ensure your system works optimally. A well-maintained outdoor unit keeps your system operating at peak performance.

#10 AC Maintenance: Opt for a Digital Thermostat

Digital thermostats are energy-efficient and can lead to substantial savings on your electricity bill. Upgrading to this advanced system not only cools your home faster but also proves to be a worthy investment. If your current system isn't cooling effectively, consider updating to a newer, more energy-efficient model to further decrease your energy bills.

In Conclusion

If you've exhausted all these tips and your home's HVAC system still isn't performing adequately, it might be time to consult with a professional. At the end of the day, your comfort is paramount, and a functioning AC system plays a significant role in maintaining it.

Give us a call today!

Feel free to ask us about HVAC installation and ac services. Ask us about HVAC installation and AC services in Texas to keep your home cool during hot and humid summers. If you live in Azle, feel free to ask professionals regarding HVAC Services and Installations for keeping your home cool and comfortable!